Q). With the investment field getting more and more complex, how do you think was AddOn’s guidance and expertise helpful to you?
Answer: It is times like these that one searches for a partner, than an investor, whom one can rely on, who simplifies things and who is well-informed about the market developments.
With AddOn, I found all of these, they are just a call away from listening to my goals, my financial problems. Their timely guidance coupled with expertise is unprecedented in the market.
Q). What according to you are the key essentials an investor needs to keep in mind before investing or choosing the right advisor?
Answer: It is after few minutes that one comes to know if an advisor is trustworthy or not. However, one can’t judge an advisor over few minutes of conversation.
Hence, it is very important to do a background check of an advisor, his/her credibility, his/her company profile, his/her associations with companies.
Social media can become a source of information but cannot the only one. One should find out about the company that the advisor is representing.
Q). What are your views regarding the Investor Awareness Campaigns carried out by AddOn on various social media platforms?
Answer: Talking about one’s financial investments is personal and most of the times, sensitive. It can go either ways, if not handled with maturity.
AddOn’s personal messages pertains to a person’s folio. In other words, their weekly/monthly advice tailored to one’s investment folio is unmatched in the business. It is this understanding and carefulness that makes them win trust quickly.
Other timely advices are spread through their awareness campaigns through various platforms.
Q). In spite of the presence of direct plan and online investment options in the market, you choose the option of investing through an adviser, what are your perspectives behind it?
Answer: Advisors expert views over direct plans that make you choose funds on the basis of gut and word of mouth are riskier than anything else.
Q). As you know, AddOn is backed by a distributor channel ‘NJ India Invest’, which avails the adviser and investor with their key services, was this a matter of concern for you?
Answer: Never. NJ India Invest is one of the pioneer of investments in India. They are one of the leading companies and have a set of loyal and reputed clientele from many years.
Q). Sampurna Suraksha’ is the main concept and belief of AddOn, as an investor what is your outlook on it?
Answer: While Sampoorna Suraksha is the belief of AddOn, I have observed that it’s foundations lays on the motives of Financial Awareness. It is the genesis and the practice of AddOn without their vested interests.
Q). Do you think you are started bit late investing as you are 31year old now?
Answer: Yes
Q). To sum up, what is your advice to fellow investors of the same age regarding savings strategies and picking their ideal adviser?
Answer: www.addoninvestment.com You are never late to investment.