Mr. Sanjeev Munje
Retired Vice President, I.T.
Q).Since how many years are you investing in equities & what difference does investing through an investment consultant like AddOn makes?
Answer: I have been investing since last 15 years but the initial 10 years were either thru agent recommendations or non-structured study. This changed to a studied approach after I met Mr.Shashikant Patole around 5 yeárs back. As I was initially apprehensive and still self-studying, we had long discussions on various aspects of portfolio management which immensely & constructively helped me in clarifying investment fundamentals and more precisely, the importance of goal oriented & balanced portfolio creation & management.
Q).What are your views regarding the Investor Awareness Campaigns carried out by AddOn on various social media platforms?
Answer: I must appreciate Mr.Patole here, as he has been consistently upgrading AddOn with respect to various technology platforms. The many presentations, charts, articles and news items he shared with clients are perfectly timed, source independent & authenticated, educational, reader friendly and best of all, very useful. They contain applied knowledge which can be adopted and implemented immediately. I particularly like his proactive updates & advice with sudden market movements, major policy announcements and approaching deadlines.
He has understood the necessity of readymade & actionable advisory updates for his clients, who are busy and don't have time to search & read thru various sources to get such valuable guidelines.
He has also understood the various options available on different social media platforms like Email, Whatsapp, FB, Twitter, Instagram and is making creative use of them to reach maximum number of customers in all age groups.
Q).Inspite of the presence of direct plan in the market, you choose the option of investing through an adviser, what are your perspectives behind it?
Answer: Investment, for a new investor or a seasoned investor, is for tax saving or wealth creation or both. Many investment avenues like direct plans are available in market for retail investor. However, only an adviser can provide you with a brand-independent, unbiased and goal oriented analysis of all investment avenues to have a customised investment strategy. This is very important because every investor has unique investment needs & goals and hence the investment strategy has to satisfy those.
Moreover, in today's tech-savvy scenario, most advisers have a technology backbone to provide you online & user friendly portfolio management.
Q).As you know, AddOn is backed by a distributor channel ‘NJ India Invest’, which avails the adviser and investor with their key services, was this a matter of concern for you?
Answer: Not at all. In fact, it was a boon for us to have a robust technology platform of NJ India, providing us with a complete online portfolio management. Both the options, Client Account for online review & analysis of existing portfolio and Wealth Account with Demat for online portfolio management including purchase & sale, are very handy tools for all classes of investors.
Q).‘Sampurna Suraksha’ is the main concept and belief of AddOn, as an investor what is your outlook on it?
Answer: 'Sampoorna Suraksha', as the name implies, is in sync with the basic philosophy of a Financial Adviser to create customised portfolio management strategy for a customer to satisfy his financial goals. But this concept goes still ahead to create a customised, holistic financial security solution including Wealth Management, Wealth Creation, Life Insurance, Home Insurance, Vehicle Insurance and Will Creation.
While Portfolio Management tries to create & manage wealth, Sampoorna Suraksha tries not only to create & manage wealth, but to completely secure the wealth & wealth creator from financial security perspective. It even includes services to take care of the wealth & assets as per wishes of the wealth creator after death.
This will be very much useful for today's busy customer who needs customised, holistic solutions for financial security before & after death.
Q).You have been a loyal and observant investor of our unique concept ‘MARS’, how is your experience with it?
Answer: MARS provides us an AUTOMATED solution for portfolio management as per our risk appetite. This is different from the online Client Account & Wealth Account mentioned above. These accounts are to buy, sale & review the portfolio where the buy-sale decisions need to be taken by customer. Going a step ahead, MARS provides us portfolio options as per our financial goals & risk appetite and manages all buy-sale transactions to achieve the goals.
This frees us from the continuous monitoring & decision making involved in portfolio management and still we can achieve our goals along with online monitoring of the same. This is a good product, especially for new investors, who can directly start their wealth creation journey without any hassles with MARS.
Q).To sum up, what is your advice to fellow investors regarding savings strategies and picking their ideal adviser?
- I am giving below steps to move toward a comprehensive personal financial management, from my personal experiences so far.
- Write down reasons to start investment like Tax Management, Insurance for security, Wealth Creation.
- Identify your priorities from above.
- Identify how much can you invest every month and distribute the amount in identified priorities.
- Now comes the important step - In order to know the various products where your distributed amount can be invested, you have to either search and analyse various options in market or get carried away by the sales talk of agents or find a Financial Adviser (FA).
- Identify some prospective financial advisers and discuss with them to know following:
- FA should be brand independent and unbiased about any financial product.
- FA must be aware of goal oriented investment and balanced portfolio management.
- FA should have a technology platform to provide you with online portfolio management options with continuous technology up gradation.
- FA should be knowledgeable and keen to update the knowledge on ongoing basis.
- FA should be proactive and empathetic to understand your requirements and provide you a customised solution for complete financial management & security.
- Lastly, you should be able to always discuss your needs & views with your FA because financial management is a two way process and will be effective only if you can discuss and conclude collectively.
Q).Can you suggest any areas of improvement where AddOn needs to work.
Answer: There are no critical areas as AddOn is already doing a great job of providing top of the class solutions coupled with comprehensive customer communication. The main things to be appreciated are the customer-centric approach, customer empathy, strong technology orientation and knowledge base.
Following are some areas where AddOn needs to always concentrate:
- Customer needs from personal discussions, feedback, customer meets.
- Solutions based on customer needs.
- Technology up gradation.
- Automation in communication and solutions.
- Studying latest investment trends, tools and including same in customer solutions.
Now AddOn is embarking on launch of their website and will be easily available on internet for communication with and from customers. I wholeheartedly wish AddOn a very bright future ahead and urge them to carry on the brilliant work they are doing for customers to help them protect, create & secure their financial assets.
With best wishes,